Molecular hydrogen has long been considered physiologically ineffective, but is now the focus of a significant amount of medical research. We learned about its unprecedented effectiveness from associate professor Michal Botek, head of the research team at the Palacký University in Olomouc. Now we also provide molecular hydrogen therapy in our office, so we would like to present this little miracle to you in more detail.


In order to understand how molecular hydrogen works, we must first know that one of the main causes of aging and the development of diseases is the so-called oxidative stress. This is caused by the action of free radicals, which arise in the body either naturally or in response to environmental factors such as excessive sunlight, impure air, excessive stress, etc.

The resulting radicals tend to be very unstable and aggressive, and by tearing electrons from other atoms or molecules, they damage the cells of our organism.

Our body can defend itself against free radicals thanks to the production of enzymes with antioxidant effects. However, their number is limited in the body, and if, for example, we are exposed to harmful factors, we need to obtain an increased dose of antioxidants from the external environment.



We now know that to protect against oxidative stress, we need to get the highest possible amount of antioxidants into the body. Based on research, it has been proven that molecular hydrogen appears to be the most effective antioxidant ever. At the same time, it has no proven side effects. It converts free radicals into a safe form, specifically into the form of water, which also intensively hydrates the body. Through its action, it is able to effectively reduce free radicals formed in the body, thus protecting the body from oxidative stress.

Compared to vitamin C, molecular hydrogen has a 160x greater antioxidant effect.

In addition to the strong antioxidant effect, H2 has also been shown to have a significant ability to reduce the inflammatory reaction in the body.

Cells that are repeatedly exposed to inflammatory mediators also have inflammatory response proteins epigenetically turned on, and thus are in a constant state of inflammation. Through its action, hydrogen can indirectly turn off the expression of the genes on the basis of which these proteins are formed. It is therefore able to influence inflammation already at this elementary level.

Last but not least, hydrogen is able to eliminate the increased content of lactic acid, which is washed out during sports performance. Its presence in the muscles leads to fatigue, hyperacidity, pain and even cramps. The effect of hydrogen allows tissues to regenerate faster and at the same time remove other harmful substances such as urea, ammonia or creatine kinase.


  • The small size and solubility in fats allows it to penetrate deep into the body, even through the blood-brain barrier, which is otherwise very difficult to penetrate
  • It dissolves quickly in the tissues, acts immediately
  • It is a selective antioxidant, so it chooses only specific free radicals that need to be eliminated, leaving the beneficial ones in the body
  • It converts free radicals into a form that is safe for the body, specifically in the form of water
  • A completely natural substance for the body, which is regularly created by the action of bacteria in the intestine, its action therefore appears to be completely safe.


According to the latest scientific studies, molecular hydrogen can have a positive effect on the following health problems:

  • Cartilage disease, osteoarthritisthis is the most effective prevention of articular cartilage damage, it protects chondrocytes from oxidative stress. It is also essential for the regeneration of cartilage when it is damaged…
  • Diabetes mellitus II. Typeaffecting the metabolism of sugars and fats
  • Increasing sports performance by reducing the level of lactate in the blood (lactic acid)
  • Inflammation of joints, pancreas, liver, intestines
  • Autoimmune diseases (allergies, multiple sclerosis)
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Hyper and hypotension
  • Ischemic heart disease
  • Heart attack and stroke
  • Atherosclerosis (arteriosclerosis)
  • Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease
  • Acidification of the organism – hydrogen alkalizes the body
  • Weakening of immunity
  • Oncological diseases
  • Conditions after transplantation and chemotherapy
  • Hydrogen also improves the effectiveness of drugs and effectively protects the body from their harmful side effects.



  • by inhaling a mixture containing H2
  • by drinking water with dissolved H2
  • injection of H2 dissolved in physiological saline solution
  • bathing in water with dissolved H2 or applying physiological saline solution with dissolved H2 to the eyes


In our clinic, we provide MOLECULAR HYDROGEN THERAPY in the form of INHALATION.

If you are interested in this therapy and would like to try it, do not hesitate to contact us.

Olomouc | Krnov

+420 721 382 403