+420 721 382 403

You will contact Jan Habar directly

Write to us at any time, we will always answer you

You have an exclusive opportunity to appeal directly to the most professional of us. If we are not answering the phone, we are sorry, we are attending to other clients. We will call you back as soon as possible.

Feel free to write an SMS – anytime 24/7

Mobilní fyzioterapie s.r.o.

IČO: 03442748 / DIČ: CZ03442748
Headquarters: Pod Kopcem 1624/25, Krnov 794 01
Vedená u Krajského soudu v Ostravě, spisová značka: C 60041
Contact workplace:
Olomouc – AC BALUO, U letiště 32, 2.patro Medical zóna
Krnov – Ježník 80
Account number: 2300754911/2010

VAT payers

Sports Physio s.r.o.

IČO: 07063954
Headquarters: Pod Kopcem 1624/25, Krnov 794 01
Vedená u Krajského soudu v Ostravě, spisová značka: C 74376
Contact workplace:
AC BALUO, U letiště 32, 779 00
Account number: 2201436707/2010

non-payers of VAT

“Our goal is to effectively help each of our clients as well as innovate physiotherapy services globally.”

Mgr. Jan Habara

Managing director of the company, physiotherapist, professional guarantor and deputy, lecturer

Olomouc | Krnov | Česká republika

+420 721 382 403